RS 4x4s Bylaws-4



Section 1. Any officer or director of the RattleSnake 4x4s  may be recalled by a two third

majority (2/3) vote of the entire membership. However, this does not preclude an officer from resigning his office.



Section 1. All events shall be subject to approval of the Executive Board. Events will be under the direction of a Run/Trip Leader.

Section 2. All members, including the Executive Committee, are responsible to the direction of the Run/Trip Leader and his appointed assistants from the set time of the beginning of an event to the termination of an event.

Section 3. All events must be conducted in an orderly manner and with safety as the prime factor. Any event held on private property will be subject to liability releases.

Section 4. No member or guest under the age of eighteen (18) years will be permitted to drive in any event unless accompanied by or with written permission of parent or guardian.

Section 5. All competitive events shall be under the direct authority, supervision and control of the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall determine entrance classifications and regulations for various events and shall determine trophies and awards to be presented. Anyone determined to be physically or mentally disturbed at the time of an event shall be disqualified.

Section 6. Vehicles may be subject to technical inspection, varying according to the type of event, and shall be disqualified if found to be mechanically unsafe.

Section 7. All members and guests participating in an event shall abide by the state Motor Vehicle Code of the state concerned and by the laws regulated by the city, the county, the federal government or the circumstances involved.



Section 1. Sponsors shall be those entities benefitting our members with a reasonable (10% or better) discount on their products/services, and be willing to offer goods or services to the club for the purpose of raffles and give aways on an annual basis. Sponsors shall be noted on the RS4x4s Website, Social Media pages, and may be asked to share info, answer questions about their products and services on the web or at any meeting.



Section 1. Unless otherwise specified in By-Laws, Roberts Rules of Order Revised shall govern

parliamentary procedures.



Section 1. These By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds majority (2/3) vote at a regular membership meeting, a quorum being present voting. Any amendment to the By-Laws must be presented to the membership at the regular membership meeting preceding that in which the vote is taken.

Signatures on file.