What are lockers? How can they help? Are there many options?
Clubs across the world hear questions like these from new members and guests at meetings, but since not everybody asks, but many wonder we found a video from Bleepin’ Jeep that helps answer and/or explain these questions and more.
Many folks wonder which is the best suspension to run, Short arm or Long arm, and these videos might help you understand the differences better than searching forums or listening to all the opinions.
People often question what 4×4 clubs are all about, that could entail a variety of things, but the basics are simply a group of folks that share a common interest in off road and 4 wheel drive vehicles. Members vehicles can be of many different shapes and sizes but all of the vehicle are capable in most any terrain, snow being one of them.
In the past week the Tri-Cities was blanketed with over a foot of snow leaving traveling the road precarious at best. Knowing the potential of possible inclimate weather hitting us here in the Tri-Cities lead the club to discuss and rough out a plan to help local healthcare workers get to and from the hospitals that serve our thriving community.
Calls were put out to two of the area hospitals Trios in Kennewick and Kadlec in Richland, offering our capable rigs (toys) and drivers to deliver their personnel in these conditions. Both hospitals were thrilled with the offer, and we were able to muster 5 rigs to help do just that. Since this past Saturday evening the group has traveled close to 1800+ miles combined for 3 days and nights around the clock, providing 60 rides either to work or back home.
For the club members participating it was a nice way to give back to our community, and maybe help change people’s minds as to how 4×4 clubs like ours can lend a helping hand besides traveling through forest roads, mountains, and deserts. We hope to sit down with hospital leadership when things thaw out to formalize this help for future storms.
The rides were offered free of charge although we did receive some donations to help offset the cost of such and operation. Things went so well we caught the eyes and ears of local news too, see the clips below.
Don’t forget tonights meeting at CG Public House on Clearwater 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm. We’ll be by the fireplace (next to the bar), hope we’ll see you there and share with friends. Side by sides we’re looking for new members and are one of if not the only 4×4 club accepting SxS to become members will you be the first to answer the call? Last chance to get in on the PNW4WDA & Life Flight Network member rolls before submission of our lists and payment of our dues. See you tonight!
We got some housekeeping items done on the website, and we hope to put a new face on it really soon (this one is 2 yrs young). Being the time of year we renew our memberships, we also thought it was time to get the Life Flight Network Application, set-up like our very own membership application. Folks can now enroll with Life Flight Network using our online application, and pay online at our store. Just trying to make things a little easier for folks that prefer getting it done online, as opposed to the old paper and pen.
The RattleSnake 4x4s Christmas party will be next Tuesday Dec 19th at CG Public House.
Gathering at 6 pm, start by 7 pm and finished by 9 pm.
There will be a White Elephant gift exchange, 1 present per person (couples = 2 presents – $25/max per gift). Come join the fun and don’t forget your gifts, members and guests are welcome to participate..
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