Trail Etiquette

Trail Etiquette


Heading off-road is a truly freeing experience. You can drive off into the wilderness and leave all of the stresses and noise of the modern world behind you. However, it’s not as simple as getting in your 4×4 and pointing it in the right direction. There’s a lot to consider and pack beforehand.

If you’re ready to test your mettle against the great outdoors and see what obstacles your vehicle can overcome, here are some rules for 4x4ing that every beginner needs to know:


1. Always Start With A Full Tank Of Fuel

You might not know what a trail has in store for you or how long traversing it might take. Being prepared with a full tank of fuel relieves the stress and can help on extended trips.

2. Know Where You’re Going

Rule number one is to never head off into the unknown. That may seem counterintuitive to a 4×4 adventure, but it’s the only way to ensure you stay safe. Knowing the route you’re taking – where the turns are, where it starts and where it ends – will go a long way to getting you there and back again in one piece.

Good route knowledge helps you understand exactly how tricky the terrain is, and if there are any potentially hidden surprises you may come up against. You still have to get up and over the obstacles (or around them) but knowing what’s coming will allow you to pack the right equipment and set your vehicle up correctly beforehand.

Having an up-to-date GPS, map book or digital maps (like onX or GaiaGPS) are non-negotiable tools when going off road. If using a mapping app be sure to download your trails before losing connectivity (many trails have no service).

3. Don’t Ever Go Alone

Anything can happen on a 4×4 trip, from flat tires to broken drivetrains, getting stuck in mud or sand, or ending up with an injury. If you’re on your own, you could have serious issues if you come undone.

The correct etiquette for this type of activity is to always go in a group, or at the very least to have a second vehicle on the route. You can assist each other with towing or getting back on track if you tip over, as well as having someone to go for help if you really get into a bad situation.

4. Have The Right Equipment 

Different types of terrain require different things from an off-road vehicle. You need to make sure you’re that you are going to be facing. For example, soft, sandy ground is best tackled with tires that have low pressure. They provide a wider surface area as they press down, giving you more traction on terrain that’s constantly shifting. An accurate tire deflator and inflator will be your best friend in a situation like this.

If you’re in a very rocky area or you’re driving over sharp, shale on the trail, then you need to ensure you have a good puncture repair kit and at least one spare tire. A monitor in the cabin for watching your tire pressure can be a big help too. This will alert you to any shifts in pressure, allowing you precious time to stop before a tear or hole becomes unfixable.

5. Stock Up On Safety Gear

Safety gear in off-roading applies to a medical kit for you and equipment for your 4×4. Heading out of town without these essentials is a big mistake because anything can happen in the middle of nowhere – and no one but you and your travel companions can help.

Start with a good first aid kit that has proper bandages and disinfectants. A few painkillers and space blankets are a good idea in case of a bad accident, as are splints and gauze pads.

For your vehicle, pack tow ropes, a jack lift, winch, snatch block, D rings, and a tree-assist tow rope. These will allow you to get out of many difficult situations, as long as you have a friend to assist. Sturdy gloves and a shovel are other good additions to your safety kit.

6. Keep Communication Open

Being able to communicate with your travel companions in other 4x4s is critical. The vehicle in front can report back to the rest of the group about major obstacles to give them a warning. They can also alert the people behind them if they get stuck. This can avert an accident as a stationary object in the middle of a trail can be a major hazard. Likewise, the people at the back of the train can warn those up ahead if they are getting left behind.

There are various types of radios to choose from. It’s up to your group to decide if you need something more powerful like a HAM radio or if a CB radio that works on line of sight is sufficient. The key is to ensure that all of the radios you have are compatible and you won’t lose touch with each other. Relying on a mobile phone is simply not practical as most trails won’t offer cellular reception. RattleSnake 4x4s use and recommend the GMRS radios, many carry either or both a handheld (great for out of rig operations like spotting or sharing with others) and a mounted unit (easier to hear and manage on the trail).

7. Keep It PG

There is nothing wrong with being winched through an obstacle if you can’t make it through on your own after a reasonable number of attempts. If you’ve made multiple attempts at an obstacle and there is a line of rigs backed up behind you that have been waiting half an hour for you to get out of the way but you still want to keep trying, move aside and let them through before making another run at it.

8. Learn How To Signal and Pass

There’s a certain code of conduct when it comes to off-road adventuring. You may not always come across other groups or individuals out in the wilderness, but on the occasions that you do, it’s important to know the right way to deal with them.

Trails are often narrow and don’t have enough room for off road vehicles to pass each other going in opposite directions. The general rule of thumb, if you’re on a hill, is to let those heading up the pass have right of way and those heading down should pull over as much as possible. This is because you have more control and it’s easier to get going again if you’re heading downhill.

In any passing or overtaking situation, it’s important for the group leaders to signal to each other how many members they have with them. The leader of the group that’s moving should use fingers to signal how many vehicles are behind them – the number of fingers equals the number of vehicles. The last to pass should then signal to the stationery group with a closed fist to show that they are the tail-end.

By observing the correct etiquette your off-roading experience will be safer, smoother, and more enjoyable. A whole world of off road adventures awaits, and they’ll be far more fun if you stick to the rules.

9. Trail Maintenance

Some trails are wide open adventures, but you can also run into areas of trouble. Being prepared can make or break your adventure. Whether the situation requires fixing or clearing be prepared to take the action required to make the trail safe for others who may travel behind you.

a. Trail fixing (snow/washouts, etc) –

Clearing snow or stacking rocks and filling in a washout. Have a shovel to help facilitate these obstacles, with the idea of leaving it better than you found it. If the obstacle forces a retreat, consider planning a work party to come back and fix the trail with a group.

b. Trail Clearing (deadfalls etc) –

Have a chainsaw in your group, and clear the trail side to side. At times you may encounter choke points cleared by others to simply allow for their rig of choice to continue. Unfortunately this often isn’t wide enough for all types of off road vehicle to pass. A great rule of thumb on wider trails (roads) designed for full size vehicles is to clear them wide enough for Fire Vehicles to get past the obstacle. This makes the trail safe for all who enjoy them and helps in the event of a fire for both safe egress of folks on the trail as well as Fire rigs trying to get access to a fire, not to mention the potential for Search & Rescue to have access as well.




Most of us are on the trail because we love spending time in the beautiful outdoors and have great respect for the land. Nobody wants to be the jerk who breaks the rules, resulting in accidents, trail closures and other damaging consequences.

10. Know Before You Go

Know who owns the land you will be traveling on and any rules, fees and permits required. For example, Southern California National Forests do not charge an entrance fee to travel the trails, but a Forest Adventure Pass is required to park your vehicle. If you plan to stop for lunch or a hike, you will need the pass.

11. Read The Signs

Familiarize yourself with the agency’s trail signage. Trail signs frequently include color coded difficulty levels and will indicate what modes of transportation are permitted on the trail.

12. Tread Lightly

Stay on marked trails, don’t drive over vegetation, cross streams only at designated fording points where the trail crosses the stream, drive over (not around) obstacles to avoid widening the trail, and respect all signage and barriers.

13. Leave No Trace

Pack it in, pack it out. Better yet, carry a trash bag and pack out more than you pack in. Stop to pick up that plastic water bottle you see on the side of the trail.

This includes policing your brass if you plan to do some shooting and the area allows it.

14. Get The Gate

Leave gates the way you found them. If you open a gate, close it behind you.

15. Yield The Right Of Way

On multi-use trails, yield right of way to mountain bikes, hikers and horses. Slow down and give them plenty of room and keep in mind to not dust them out.

Take special caution when encountering saddled horses, they can be easily spooked by loud noises and unexpected movement. If you come across a horse on the trail you should pull over to the side, shut off your engine and ask the rider how to best proceed.

When two vehicles meet on a steep hill, the vehicle traveling up the hill has the right of way. This is because the vehicle traveling uphill may need to maintain momentum, and because it is more difficult and dangerous to back down a steep narrow trail.

Common sense should prevail though; if it is easier and there is room for the uphill vehicle to pull over, it wouldn’t make sense to expect the downhill vehicle to back up the hill. Either way backing up is tough.

If you are going up a big obstacle like a long, steep rocky climb, it may make sense to send a spotter up on foot to make sure the trail is clear and to warn any on-coming vehicles.

16. Mind Your Dust

Slow down when you pass other vehicles, hikers and campsites.

17. Space Is a Good Thing

Leave plenty of room for the vehicle in front of you, especially when navigating obstacles, climbing steep hills or in low visibility. If the vehicle in front of you loses traction (or worst case scenario, rolls over), you don’t want to be right behind it.

18. Don’t Stop There

Never stop your vehicle on a blind curve or in the middle of trail – wait until you reach a place where you can safely pull over off the trail.

19. Watch Your Back

When traveling with a group of vehicles, each person is responsible for keeping an eye on the vehicle behind them. It’s not uncommon for vehicles to become widely spread out, especially on dusty trails, but you don’t want to lose anyone, particularly if they run into trouble.

If you lose sight of the vehicle behind you, slow down until you can see them or attempt to make radio contact if you can’t spot them.

Always stop before making a turn off a trail to make sure the vehicle behind you sees where the turn is.

You are also responsible for maintaining visual contact with the vehicle in front of you.

If you have a problem and fall behind or need to stop, use your radio to let your group know.

20. Leave Your Ego at Home

Don’t let others pressure you into doing something you’re not comfortable doing. There is nothing wrong with taking a bypass if you or your vehicle is not up to tackling an obstacle.



21. Stop to Help Others

All of us out there rely on each other, especially in remote areas. The off road community is the friendliest and most helpful group of people there is. If you see someone stopped on the side of trail, ask them if they need help and be prepared to give it.

22. Leave No Man Behind

We would hope this wouldn’t even need to be said, but we can tell you we’ve seen it happen. If a vehicle in your group has a problem, the group stays until the problem is resolved. It is not right to leave someone out on the trail to fend for themselves with a stuck or broken vehicle, especially in a remote location where things can quickly turn into a life or death situation.

Be prepared for it every time you go out. Always carry extra food and water in case you are out several hours longer than you had planned. Be patient, helpful and keep a good attitude; because next time, it could be you.




Following these tips will help preserve trail access for the future and keep off-roading safe and fun for everyone.

New Decal Sponsor

New Sponsor:

Hey Gang,

I mentioned to some at the West Richland Veterans Parade about our new Veterans stickers. I was able to gert with the company that created them, and work a deal for our members. This is a members only discount of 10% off online orders on their site.

Their website is:

Code = RS4x4

New Apparel for RS 4x4s

New Apparel for RS 4x4s

Here’s The News:

For a while now we’ve had the opportunity to purchase apparel with the older Logos from ( and you still can, however, we’ve updated the main menu to go to the new store Ringolde’s in West Richland.

The club makes no money on the items listed at either site, but the quality is much higher with Ringolde’s.

The new store can be reached above from the menu (RS 4x4s Gear) or by the lollowing link (or clicking the store image);

Fall Farm & Country Rally 2024

Fall Farm & Country Rally 2024

The Basics:

Our club has decided to put on an event to help 828 STRONG (Huricane Helene Victims). We came up with a fun way to get people together around a vehicle event with a positive focus of sharing our love of vehicles/driving, while helping folks less fortunate. Our hope is to encourage folks to join in on our third of such events, and to raise some funds for the folks over in North Carolina and Tennessee who experienced one of the worst weather disasters in history. If you can’t join us in person please donate to the cause at our RS 4x4s Member Store so we can make a larger impact for them.

We’ll meet up on Nov 2, 2024 @ 10 at HAPO Center in Pasco, for sign-in, tech check, etc. from here we’ll be sending out vehicles in 1 min intervals starting at or around 12 pm.

You’ll get a set of instructions that will hopefully get you through all of the check-points. At each check-point you’ll recieve a time check, and upon completion you’ll get your time checked for the final time.
We can manage up to 40 vehicles for the event and the first 16 teams will get a rally badge, if you place the extra badge will pass down to the next 4 teams. It should be a fun day out and will end at Ice Harbor Brewing Company  @ 206 N Benton, Kennewick, WA 99336. They’ll will have food and drinks available to purchase (not included in the entry fee), and do the closing ceremonies, and maybe enjoy a meal or beverage together.

We hope to see you there! Be easy on us, this is supposed to be a fun time to meet others, see some cool vehicles, and maybe make some new friends!

Thanks in advance for your participation!

RattleSnake 4x4s


You can register on the day, or pre register online, however, in order for your pre-registration (below Online Form) to be accepted, you must include participant payment/ticket puchase on our store

Ticket price to enter is $25, although we will gladly accept more donations  as all proceeds go to benefit the 828 STRONG (Huricane Helene Victims). To make a payment go to our STORE and use the $25 donation to purchase a ticket (there are only 40 available).

We encourage additional donations in any amount, and add a message Donation for RS 4x4s Farm & Country Fall Rally 2024.

Pre-Registration Form

Fall 2024:

Fall 2024 Rally Registration

Mark All That Apply...

9 + 2 =

onX Trailguides

onX Trailguides

OnX Trailguide

Lance (Livin4Today) volunteered himself to be a onX Trailguide. What you may ask does this mean?

Well he saw an offer to become a trailguide and saw it meant he could get a free Elite Membership, and save on swag, and be able to save friends and family 30% on memberships.

So, going forward we can use & share the following Discount Code for use on the onX stores for memberships or swag…

So with this in mind he’ll need your extra patience and any help folks might give as he re-maps 2 of the trails correctly for onX Off Road in the Tillamook State Forest(Brown’s Camp). The two Jeep Badge Of Honor trails –


Firebreak Five & Cedar Tree

For more information on onX’s Trailguides program or if you’d like to become a trailguide yourself check out this link.

Thanks in advance,


RS 4x4s

Momentum Mobile Tire and Wheel – Saves RS 4×4 Members!

Momentum Mobile Tire and Wheel – Saves RS 4×4 Members!

Over the past couple of years we have been building relationships with vendors when we have a chance to use their services or buy there products. Today I had the pleasure of getting a tire swapped from a bad rim to a new rim, and better yet I had it done at our home by Momentum Mobile Tire and Wheel!

Shawn Lynch is the owner/tech that showed up and swapped the tire out from a broken ICON rim to a new one.

We chatted some and while he worked, I found his knowledge and attention to detail exceeded my hopes. I asked if he’d be interested in doing business with our club and he said yes,

Additionally, Shawn sells tires and wheels and he’ll even work on beadlocks. He has  agreed to offer club members a 10% discount on service, as his pricing on tires and wheels is already below MSRP (he can’t give that 10% on parts), but you’re sure to save and he’ll come to you.

So if you’re anything like me and want to know the guy that does your tire and wheel work, Shawn is the guy to call, check him out online, he has a website and Facebook page. We support and recommend local businesses, that support us and our sport, so give him a shot, you’ll be glad you did. 

Oh and if you know anybody looking for employment I heard Shawn mention wanting to find somebody to run one of his two rigs, so please spred the word…









Yankum Ropes Affiliate

Yankum Ropes Affiliate

Over the past couple of years we have been building our relationships with vendors while visiting events that take us out of state. But one vendor that has stood out and become our friends is YANKUM ROPES.


Many of our club members have made purchases from Yankum over the past few years to include their Tow Points Groove Fairleads to their Tow Points Offset Winch Snatch-Ring XL, their older winch rings, and of course Kinetic Ropes.

We support local "made in America" businesses, that support our sport.


Personally, I was blessed with a gift of a 30 foot Matt's Off-Road Recovery Rope (made by Yankum) by my wife, unfortunately the first time I used it - I ended up with a knot in it at about the 26 foot mark. I happened to be on my way to Sand Hollow to see last year's Wrecker games and stopped by Yankum Ropes and asked if they could either get the knot out or shorten the rope.

I ended up with the only 25 foot Matt's Off-Road Recovery Rope  in existence (that I know of) and couldn't be happier.

I asked Yankum if they contributed to club rallies, etc. and their reply was unfortunately all of their giving was to First Responders/Search & Rescue Teams, but they would consider accepting an affiliate app from the club and they could help us that way.

So please look for us to add Yankum Ropes to our sponsors page, and share our link far and wide, for a 10% savings on all things YANKUM!


Thank you Allen and the whole YANKUM FAMILY!

Use Our Link:

Or Use Code:

RS-4x4s at Yankum's checkout!










Spring Farm & Country Rally 2024

Spring Farm & Country Rally 2024

The Basics:

We’ve decided to do a second rally. Like our first rally last fall, it’s a fun way to get people together around a vehicle event with a positive focus of sharing our love of vehicles/driving, and helping folks less fortunate. Our hope is to encourage folks to join in on our second of such events, and to raise some funds for the family of Trooper Christopher Gadd, 27  who was killed Saturday, March 2, 2024, while on duty.

We’ll meet up on April 6th, 2024 @ 10am at the Richland Uptown, for sign-in, tech check, etc. from here we’ll be sending out vehicles in 2 min intervals starting at or around 12 pm.

You’ll get a set of instructions that will hopefully get you through the 5 or 6 check-points.  At each check-point you’ll receive a time check, and possibly some guidance on where you are time wise, and upon completion you’ll get your time checked for the final time.
We can manage up to 40 vehicles for the event, it should be a fun day out and will end in the Queensgate area. Once all have completed we’ll hold a results ceremony  (location TBD), where food and drinks available to purchase (not included in the entry fee), and do the closing ceremonies, and maybe enjoy a meal or beverage together.

And don’t forget the RAFFLE! We’ll be selling raffle tickets for some sponsor donated items, including an air compressor from our friends at EZ-FLATE, and of course High Five Motorsports will also be represented!

We hope to see you there! Be easy on us, this is supposed to be a fun time to meet others, see some cool vehicles, and maybe make some new friends!

Thanks in advance for your participation!

RattleSnake 4x4s


You can register on the day, or pre register online, however, in order for your pre-registration (below Online Form) to be accepted, you must include participant payment/ticket purchase on our store

Ticket price to enter is $25, although we will gladly accept more donations  as all proceeds go to the family of Trooper Christopher Gadd. To make a payment go to our STORE and go to events to purchase a ticket (there are only 40 available).

We encourage additional donations in any amount, and add a message Donation for RS 4x4s Farm & Country Spring Rally.

Pre-Registration Form:

Mark All That Apply...

10 + 15 =

Jeep Ducking?


What in the Duck Is Jeep Ducking?

The craze sweeping across the worldwide Jeep community all began with one person’s act of kindness.

Stuart A. Bourdon MotorTrend,  Apr 4, 2023

The act of placing a rubber duck on someone’s Jeep—called Jeep “ducking” and/or “Duck Duck Jeep”—began with one person, named Allison Parliament, from a small town in the Canadian province of Ontario. She unknowingly started a movement of kindness, fellowship, and recognition with that first rubber duck she placed on a Jeep.

Allison’s reason for perching a little yellow duck on a Jeep Wrangler just like hers that she saw in a parking lot was simply to bring herself a small sense of joy after a frightening verbal and physical encounter with someone earlier in the day. Two years later, that single gesture has morphed into the Jeep ducking craze that has swept throughout the Jeep enthusiast community in the United States as well as in nearly a dozen other countries around the world.

What are the rules of Duck Duck Jeep or Jeep ducking? Who can duck a Jeep? Is it only for Jeeps? Read on to learn how to be part of the Jeep ducking phenomenon.
(Editor’s Note: Thanks to the “Official Ducking Jeep Est 2020” for the photos in this story)

What Is Jeep Ducking and Why Do Jeeps Get Ducked?

According to Allison Parliament, who is credited with starting the Jeep ducking phenomenon, “Jeeps get ducked for many reasons and with lots of motivations and meanings. For me, it was an act of kindness, a healing of sorts, as well as recognition of and greeting to a fellow Jeep owner. But it can just be that you like their Jeep, or it’s the same Jeep you have, or maybe a classic Jeep you would like to own one day. You don’t really need a reason for Jeep ducking other than to connect, bring a smile to someone’s face, and have fun.”

Is Duck Duck Jeep Just for Jeep Wranglers?

Jeep ducking began as a Jeep Wrangler thing, but you can duck any Jeep. Jeep ducking is all about appreciating another Jeep enthusiast’s rig. The random act of kindness is something that is appropriate for any Jeep model, old or new, rusty or shiny, bone-stock or built-to-the-hilt rockcrawler. Duck Duck Jeep is a game for any and all models of Jeep. Even a child’s Jeep wagon can be ducked.

Are Yellow Rubber Ducks Best for Ducking Jeeps?

The prototypical small, yellow rubber duck (many have subsequently been decorated with the slotted grille motif) is a primary choice for Jeep enthusiasts engaged in the act of Jeep ducking. These rubber ducks are widely available (good if you want to remain anonymous) and relatively inexpensive. They’re also a popular choice for their bright yellow color, making them stand out against just about any Jeep’s paint color, and they’re also easy to write on if you want to leave a message.

Fancy Rubber Ducks, Tags, and Where To Get Them?

The standard yellow rubber duck is abundantly available through any number of sources such as For those who want to put a little more pizazz in their Jeep ducking adventures, there are also many different upscale and stylish ducks available. The beautiful, rhinestone-studded duck pictured also has a custom-printed tag attached to it. A fancy duck and a tag can create a bespoke duck for your Jeep-ducking activities.

Ready for Ducking Jeeps With Rubber Ducks?

Most duckers may have a few ducks and a marker stashed in their Jeep’s glove box, but Allison Parliament is ready to duck dozens of Jeeps at any given moment. This pile of rubber ducks in all shapes, sizes, designs, and colors is a typical load for Allison during her travels to promote the Jeep lifestyle.

What Is a Jeep Duck Pond?

Some Jeep owners have been ducked so many times that they have a large collection of rubber ducks in a range of colors, shapes, and sizes lined up along the top of their Jeep’s dashboard. This collection is known as the “duck pond” in their Jeep. We’ve seen rubber duck collections that fill the dashboard from window to window, and then some.

Allison Parliament, BFGoodrich Ambassador for Jeep Ducking

Allison Parliament is one of the BFGoodrich Ambassador program team members and travels to dozens of major Jeep events across the country to help spread the spirit of Duck Duck Jeep and Jeep ducking among Jeep enthusiasts. Allison and her ducked out silver Jeep Wrangler JKU can be found in the BFGoodrich OnTrail display area at popular Jeep events such as Easter Jeep Safari in Moab, Utah. Special BFGoodrich Jeep ducks can also be found in the OnTrail display.

What are you waiting for?

Newest Club Sponsors

Newest Club Sponsors

Welcome our newest sponsors;

High Five Motorsports & Outdoors



We always encourage our members to patronize our sponsors, before looking elsewhere.

High Five Motorsports & Outdoors

Richland, Wa  99354
(509) 720-8406



Anyone can benefit using our Discount Code and save 10% on orders using RATTLESNAKE10 on your orders.


Becoming a RattleSnake 4x4s Sponsor


This club is about benefiting it’s members, be it by saving money, getting free swag or raffles or giveaways. To that end sponsorship of RattleSnake 4x4s is pretty painless, all that we ask is that a business provide our members (club sticker/card) a nominal discount (10% or better), and be further willing to contribute by providing goods or services for the purpose of club giveaways, contests, and fund raisers once or twice annually.


Sponsors are encouraged to join our forum and share info, answer questions and generally represent their company accordingly, as well as have an open invitation to attend our general membership meetings on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. Sponsors are further encouraged to present ideas that further the sport, our club and their business.


Sponsors will be listed with all contact info and a logo if available here, on the forum, and mentioned on our Facebook page so that club & forum members and guests can see which vendors we appreciate most in our area, and beyond, and the advertising value is there for our sponsor. We encourage our members to patronize our sponsors, before looking elsewhere.


If you are interested in becoming a sponsor or know of a company that might be willing please let us know by sending us an email to or by PM on Facebook.

What are you waiting for?